Stalks of Gold: King Eadric
King Eadric
- Age: 37
- Height: 5’ 11″ (180 cm)
- Nationality: Astrian
- Hair Color: Dark brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Family:
- King Aldrich (Father) (Deceased)
- Queen Sinai (Mother) (Deceased)
- Princess Loraine (Sister)
- Sandor (Half-brother)
Gold was the most superior substance ever to grace the land, and as the greatest king on the continent, gold was the only way to show such status. King Eadric liked a good number of things, and he was raised with fine tastes as all royalty should be.
It wasn’t his fault his kingdom’s economy had been suffering in the recent years. He was the only one doing anything right. His job was the most important in the kingdom, should he not be rewarded for his hard work?
King Eadric knew Idres had plenty of gold to spare. They certainly weren’t missing what they’d given to Astren, but he certainly wasn’t surprised to receive a notice with a thinly veiled desire to get it back. They’d always had their eyes on his kingdom, but Eadric bowed to no one, and he would do whatever it would take to beat Idres.
To find out more about King Eadric, buy Stalks on Gold on Amazon on January 28th, or you can sign up for my newsletter here for a free fairy tale novella and the first three chapters of Stalks of Gold. If you sign up, you’ll also be able to catch Stalks of Gold as soon it goes up.