Bewitching Fairy Tales

Magic has always been a mysterious and untamed force in the land. Magic users have never been united and much less so in the current day and age. Whispers of danger and war echo among the kingdoms, wreaking havoc. It’s not just the royalty in danger anymore.

Astren’s people groan under the weight of their country’s debt to Idres. It’s been over ten years since Esmea went to war, but it’s only a matter of time until they choose their next target. Glaciar can’t afford to show a hint of weakness or else they’ll be eaten alive.

Currently, I’ve got about 8 books planned currently in the series. All of the them are standalone and can be read as such, but they are intertwined with characters appearing in other books. The books also go in chronological order so the events happen one after the other.

The series starts with Stalks of Gold, my fairy tale combination/re-telling of Rumpelstiltskin and Rapunzel.

Map of the continent: