Songs of Stone: Prince Valens
- Age: 21
- Height: 6’ 1”
- Nationality: Castian
- Hair Color: Auburn/Reddish-brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Family:
- King Valerian (Father)
- Queen Rhea (Mother)
- Prince Hadrian (Brother)
- Princess Dione (Sister)
- Duchess Roanna (Aunt)
- Carin (Great Aunt)
- Florian (Great Uncle)
- Amias (Second Cousin)
Prince Valens has never exactly been what everyone, or rather, his family, thinks a prince should be. Princes were supposed to stay in castles and handle matters of state and generally not constantly be traveling or hunting or climbing mountains or doing anything that Valens did. So Valens took every chance to get away when he could, but after months in Idres as part of his sister’s engagement and the formation of an alliance between Idres and Castia—and more than a few close calls, it was time to go back to Castia.
And it was also his job to escort the Castian traitors they’d caught as well escort Princess Liliana of Idres to Castia in one piece. Valens should have known better than to expect anything he was involved in to go smoothly.
To learn more about Valens, read Songs of Stone on Amazon August 15th.