
Hi there! I’m Celeste and this is my blog! You can also just call me Cel. I’m a fantasy writer primarily, and I love pretty much all of the sub genres, especially fairy tale retellings and high fantasy, as well as urban fantasy, gaslamp, and historical fantasy.

I’m starting this blog for several reasons. I wanted a place to talk about fantasy and my own writing projects. It’s a way for me to keep a record of where I’m at and a way to communicate that with you all! It’s a way for me to hear your thoughts as well. I have lots of things planned, so if you’re not a fan of a certain series of posts I do, there’s probably something else you’ll like.

Blog Series:

Cel’s Corner is where I tell you about what I’m up to in terms of writing and life in general. If it’s about me and what I’m doing rather than my more focused topics, it’ll be in here.

Cel’s Aesthetics are where I share little images and collages I make for fun for my projects.

Trope Corner is where I pick a trope and talk about what I like about it, where I’ve seen it, just generally open up a discussion about it.

Genre Talk is similar except I pick a genre or, more often, a specific sub-genre to discuss.

I’ll also be posting excerpts, deleted scenes, previews, character pages, and lots of bonus content to my books!

If you’re here in the early stages of all this, I’m so thankful you’re here. If you’re thinking well, she doesn’t have much up yet, feel free to check out some of my older work here. Full disclaimer, this work is older and mostly first drafts, but I hope you’ll still enjoy it. If there’s something specific you’d like to see, leave a comment so I can see your ideas too!

This page will change and adapt as time goes on to include what’s relevant or remove what’s not. Thank you for stopping by and joining me on this journey!