Songs of Stone: Sandy

Age: ? Height: 5’ 0” Species: Imp Hair Color: Gold Eye Color: Gold Family: ? Known Associates: The Red Enchanter The Piper Sandy has served the Red Enchanter for the vast majority of what he can remember of his life. When the wizard who had summoned him had no use for the imp, he’d given Sandy to the Red Enchanter […]

Songs of Stone: Prince Valens

Age: 21 Height: 6’ 1” Nationality: Castian Hair Color: Auburn/Reddish-brown Eye Color: Brown Family: King Valerian (Father) Queen Rhea (Mother) Prince Hadrian (Brother) Princess Dione (Sister) Duchess Roanna (Aunt) Carin (Great Aunt) Florian (Great Uncle) Amias (Second Cousin) Prince Valens has never exactly been what everyone, or rather, his family, thinks a prince should be. Princes were supposed to stay […]

Stalks of Gold: Original First Chapter

Hey guys! Stalks of Gold recently passed 100 reviews on Amazon! And as I promised in my newsletter, I’m releasing the very first version of Aurelia and Sandor’s first scene, and since I like you all so much, I decided to just release the whole first chapter so you can see what I changed and what I kept! As a […]

Songs of Stone: The Piper

Age: 18 Height: 5’ 7” Nationality: Castian Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Gray Family: Colm (Father) (Deceased) Pippa (Mother) (Deceased) Kimon (Brother) Known Associates: The Red Enchanter Sandy Two years. Until then all Piper had to do was keep her head down, follow orders, and try not to kill Sandy no matter how many hours she spent shaking sand out […]

Why Cinderella and the Little Match Girl?

Hey everyone! Now that a little bit of time has passed and some of you super-fast readers have had the chance to read Cinders of Glass, I’m super excited to start the behind the scenes posts! Today’s post is about why I decided to combine Cinderella and the Little Match Girl. Some spoilers ahead if you haven’t finished Cinders of […]