Beasts of Beauty: Aerona
- Age: 19
- Height:
- Wolfish Form: 5’ 0” (152 cm)
- Humanlike Form: 6’ 5” (193 cm)
- Nationality: Faenic
- Hair Color: Black with a single streak of red
- Eye Color: Red
- Family:
- General— Deceased.
Aerona has been at the manor for five years. What happened before is best left in the past; Aerona doesn’t dwell on memories. She has a manor full of fairies who saved her that she must protect from the world outside the forest.
She spends every hour of the day, save one, as a massive, wolfish beast, and she has accepted the truth of her circumstances. She is not human, not anymore. Trying to change that would a be futile endeavor. She has a roof over her head, fairies she would do anything for, and she is safe from a world that would tear her apart.
And she won’t let anyone, especially not a precocious young woman and her huntsman of a brother change that.
To learn more about Aerona, buy Beasts of Beauty on Amazon October 19th.
1 thought on “Beasts of Beauty: Aerona”
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Can’t wait to find out more about Aerona! Definitely looking forward to reading Beasts of Beauty and to find out more about Chasen’s story!